Basic Skills
To find any topic or word on these pages, press this button.
This site is designed to help absolute newcomers to the internet.  I have tried to keep everything very simple, to teach you how to use email, and to find what you want on the world wide web.
Those are the two things you will want to do when you have an internet connection, but there are a few general skills that you will need to know before you begin, so I would like you to read the page called Basic Skills  first.
Then you can read all about Email and the Internet.  I have included some Helpful Tips  and advice on Maintenance that you may find useful.
At the right hand side of this page you will see a list of Links to other sites that you should visit for more information, after you have mastered everything here!
I had better teach you your first skill now - the way we navigate from one page to the next is by clicking Hyperlinks (also called Links.)  A hyperlink is an element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or to an entirely different document. Typically, you click on the hyperlink to follow the link. You can think of it as "turning the page." 
So the first thing you need to do is click the hyperlink that takes you to the page on Basic Skills.  Can you see the button at the left with this name?  Move your mouse until your cursor hovers over the name.  You will see that the cursor arrow has changed to a hand - this is the clue that you have arrived at a link, and if you click it, you will be taken there...  off you go!  (And if you want to come back to this page at any time, click the Home button to bring you back.)
Other Links
Using Search Engines
How to find what you are looking for.
Internet survival skills
Learn about viruses, netiquette, and how to stay safe online.
Surfing Seniors
Celebrating with all seniors the enjoyment and challenges of the internet.
Expedition Internet
Discovering the internet, specially for older users.
Beginners' Course Lessons on how to find your way around your computer.
Email Lessons
All about email and how to make use of it.
Items to Download Some suggestions of programs you might find useful.
Email Filtering
Excellent advice about keeping viruses out of your email.
Website tips
Protect your personal information.
Basics of Computing
A help site for the over 50s.
Reference Desk
My list of really useful sites for you to visit.
Internet Basics
Another site designed for seniors.

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